Audi Navigation plus AUZ1Z1C 4b0 035 192k 24C32 code

AUDI navigation plus auz1Z1c 4b0 035 192k 24C32 EEPROM code Download AUDI PLUS NAVIGATION CODE act as picture post. connect the radio 12v + the radio should be turned on. to read eeprom radio install the programmer wires Cable (CH341A) on radio board to read eeprom. after reading and encoding the radio remove the Wires […]

RCD310 RCD510 Code read New Code Reset Safe 95128 uPD70F33xx

rcd310 rcd510 CODE READ. NEW CODE. RESET SAFE. 95128 upd70F3358 NEC VWZ1Z2 Radio LOW EU BVX 1KO 035 186xx BLAUPUNKT 95128 EEPROM. PROCESSOR UPD70F3358 RCD 310 RCD510 read NEC uPD70F33xx programer tnm5000 ISP PROGRAMMER TNM5000 to download, you must subscribe 👉 Subscription, for download or RepairAllTV Subscriptions 1 to 10 more info here video 👇 […]