Firmware for ORION PIF23 DLED please help!

Please help, i have an orion witch is turn off and on all time on DTV  and work without problems as monitor or in  ATV, Maybe i need firmware for them and i dont find anyware. Please help me! model ORION PIF23-DLED S.N. 23111302A00672

EEPROM MASCA Eprom / eeprom

Eprom / eeprom     The following are examples of chips     EEPROM     – 24c02= b58258     – 24c02= b58293     – 24c02= b58383     – 93c46= b58323     – 93c46= b58097     – 93CS46 = 58221     EPROM     – b57696= 27c256     – b57519= 27c256     – b57604= 27c256     – b57701= 27c256 […]

LG tv switching to standby LG-RZ- 17LZ10

Hi I have an LG-RZ- 17LZ10 lcd tv which is switching to standby 2 to 3 seconds after switching on.External 12volt s.m.power supply is testing ok and I`ve substitutued it with a 12 volt workshop supply.Any help would be much appreciated,Isuspect it`s switching to standby due to it detecting a fault?

arielli smart tv

Ciao a tutti.Sono un nuovo utente e vi ringrazio per la vostra ospitalità e disponibilità.Ho un problema con questo TV Arielli mod 32DN9A7-SMART che non si avvia. dopo aver premuto il pulsante di accensione. Il televisore è abbastanza recente e all’esame della scheda madre non mostra anomalie visibili. Ho pensato di aggiornare il firmware ma […]