grundig 55vlx7850bp z02190r-5 emmc firmware NT SFLAGZ 846 00965 MAINBOARD Z02190R-5 to see EMMC pinout photo as well as to download EMMC BIN Firmware. you must subscribe EMMC PINOUT PROGRAMMER TNM5000 TNM5000 ISP READ EMMC ISP INFO READ EMMC PROGRAMMER TNM5000 READ EMMC BOARD Z02190R-5 Programmer ISP Cable EMMC pinISP PIN 1 CMDISP PIN 3 […]

Toshiba 40L7335D Dead Only Backlight On

Hello everyone! The TV powers up,no remote control commands,no manual buttons commands, no logo,only Backlight On!Seems such the Eeprom is corrupted.Is it possible to save the m/b and not buy a new one by updating the firmware with a usb procedure? I don’t have a memory programmer… Thanks in Advance, George        

Compaq iPAQ MP1410 Projector Power Supply

Ciao. Non riesco a identificare i due componenti presenti in una scheda di alimentazione di questo proiettore. Quello con le tre bande di colore blu-verde-rosso dovrebbe essere un diodo zener, (6,5 volt?) l’altro nel contenitore SOT-23 è contrassegnato KL. È un transistor PNP? Con questa sigla non ho trovato nulla… Mi aiutate? Grazie volume_up contenuto_copia […]

TV LG 47LW5600 colors distortion

Hi all, Recently  TV LG 47LW5600 started to display ‘weird’ colors I tried to replace t-conn board, but it didn’t help here is sample of tv pictures with colors: most suspicions is motherboard EBT61980409 ? now it is difficult to find this board in ebay is it worth to try to repair this tv ?


q.bell qt40s02 cv338h-t42 emmc firmware Q.Bell BOARD BOARD CV338H-T42 to see EMMC pinout photo as well as to download EMMC BIN Firmware. you must subscribe ISP PIN OUT EMMC PROGRAMMER TNM5000 isp pinout info Programmer ISP Cable EMMC pinISP PIN 1 CMDISP PIN 3 RST-n(Reset) (mandatory)ISP PIN 5 CLK (Clock)ISP PIN 6 DAT0ISP PIN 8, […]