SAMSUNG TV turns on and off every 20 seconds program NAND

SAMSUNG TV turns on and off every 20 seconds program NAND. SAMSUNG TV turns on and off every 20 seconds. program firmware NAND K9GAG08U0E SAMSUNG TV turns on and off every 20 seconds. program firmware NAND K9GAG08U0E My channel YouTube RepairAllTV for more info on how to fix this problem see below. video

samsung eu46d6510 BN41.01587E

samsung eu46d6510 BN41.01587E Hello everybody,I hope it’s the right section,I have a problem with a tv model eu46d6510, it restarts continuously, when it tries to turn on it restarts, I have tried all the power supplies and they are correct,I tried the LEDs and they are all perfectly functional,I tried the eeprom 24512 by reading […]

Samsung UE39F5000 power supply no start no backlight

board power

fault description: * red LED flashes * if I disconnect the Main Board (MB) from the source board, the backlight does not light up !!! * all LEDs / number 91 / are OK * I checked all the capacitors * I checked all the diodes * I checked all the FETs * measured voltage […]

SAMSUNG QE65Q7FNAT QLED Horizontal screen lines repair success

samsung qe65q7fnat qled tv Horizontal screen lines repair success tv model QE65Q7FNAT QLED Horizontal screen lines tv SAMSUNG QE65Q7FNAT now we have disconnected the ribbon connectors. to have no contact with the screen. why the screen on the left side tv. as the tv is open. there is a problem with the ribbon screen that […]

samsung tv only red led light works tv does not start

repair power board mk32p5t if the tv doesn’t start. even just the red power point. or tries to start but doesn’t start or works but sometimes doesn’t work. only stands at red power point. you now act as in the picture to successfully repair tv samsung tv only red led light works tv does not […]