Software Process, Unzip it and copy it the USB (mb90_en.bin)(mboot.bin)(usb_auto_update_A1.txt), Power off by removing the power cable or adapter from the TV and after that plug in the USB with the loader Software into the TV. On the remote control press and hold the OK button. Now Plug in the power cable. TV and wait until the light is showing power and blinks faster. If it is blinking faster that means that it is installing the software from the USB you inserted. Now you have to wait until the TV turns on the display, do not unplug your TV until this software has been installed completely.
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I receive link with 17mb95s-1, download this, unzip, format USB and copy all 3 file, try like in description, OK pressed, power cord and nothing, now TV is dead, power led off, not start at all!
Before try this ,TV work with negative colour on screen.
Now dead complet:((
you can reinstall the software. if you are a master. this you are saying may not be true. this does not accept other software unless it is original for the tv board you have 17MB95s-1
2 years ago
Hi have vestel 17mb120 firmware?
Nuno Gomes
2 years ago
We are working. Currently, subscriptions are made on the site (Manual/Offline). Write to us in support or messenger. We will send you a payment link.